Dating the District | Timing is Everything.

When it comes to relationships, maybe we all are in glass houses and shouldn’t throw stones. Because you don’t really know. Some people are settling down, some people are settling, and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies.

That butterfly feeling never leaves. We always have that one person who sends us back to that place in time where the flame still remains. My time and his time aligned in our time once again. I can’t help but wonder if this was always it. Maybe I have been in the spell of love because I have been witnessing the marriages of 90% of my best friends. Timing is truly everything. Some people meet in college, some people meet at Equinox, or even on an app *cringe*. I am guilty of judging the time, the choices, and the compatibility of these couples. The fact is that no one knows what you have with someone but those those two individuals. Outsiders can speculate, gather evidentiary support, and pick up on lines fed by someone in that relationship. But truly we outsiders never know the roots of that love, and we have no part in that soil which that garden of love grows.

I can’t let go of the what ifs.  It’s hard to remember why we couldn’t grow our own garden.

One thing do I know, is that with every glance of that Martin in the corner, I think of you. You making it sing the fairy tale we couldn’t and I pray we find butterflies with or without a garden of our own.



Five Keys to Inner Peace

Hey CB’s! Wanted to share five ways I find my inner peace. This week I was thinking a lot about self love. It is important to make sure we are filling our own cup so we can fill others. Sometimes I find myself not feeling that I am living my life to the fullest and here are the ways I make sure my cup is full so I can fill others. We can live this life to our fullest potential and be the best daughter, sister, wife, friend, etc. and it all starts with our our own happiness an inner peace. Hope you all enjoy!


The power of prayer. To God, to the universe, to your higher divine- it is powerful to connect with something greater then yourself. Yoga, mediation, or prayer there are a lot of paths to connecting to that energy. Prayer has given me peace about my present and future. It has taught me to have more patience (still practicing) and that timing is not in our hands alone. Prayer has also taught me to reflect and be grateful for where I came from and where I am today. Often times we are never comfortable and always want what we don’t currently have. But if we take a pause. Step back and reflect. The gratitude starts flooding in and with that gratitude comes more blessings in this life.


Having a core group of friends has been my source of support and love when my family is not close by. Friends are the family you choose in this life. It can be hard when you move to a city and not know anyone. Luckily I have found some of my best friends through work, Junior League, and other networking clubs in the city. If you are seeking your ride or die tribe or even just a few quality friends, I strongly encourage you guys to join clubs or volunteer groups in your area. I have met some of my very best friends sorting clothes for charity and showing up solo to a networking happy hour because I was interested in the speaker. If you plant yourself in places you are interested and passionate in, like minded people will follow.


Mental health is just as important as physical health and both are built by exercise for me. Exercise gives us endorphins, endorphins makes you happy… name the movie! I have falling in love with boutique exercise classes like 305, SoulCycle, and SolidCore. I notice I have more energy and want to live life more when I make exercise a priority. I also do BBG (on occasion) which is great when you don’t want to spend $45 on a single class. Running has also been a great tool to clear my head and explore the city & it’s FREEEE!


I recently have started my mornings with a “Soft Morning” playlist on Spotify linked HERE. This has completely changed my attitude towards starting my day as a NON- morning person. I am the type of gal who will wake up at 6AM but not speak to humans until 10AM. In the corporate world you don’t have that luxury of staying silent until 10 but at least I am in a better mood from kicking off the day with some feel good tunes. I also love to listen to podcasts while I work, I find it so inspiring and it modivates me to keep grinding- let me know if you want to see a post of my top podcasts! Would love to hear your favorites in the comments down below!


Getting out of your box is such a great way to reset your perspective on life. Exposing your self to culture, language, food, and a different pace of life is so vital to personal growth. You don’t have to hop a plan a trip to the Middle East or Bermuda tomorrow, but just making day trips to different areas around you can open your eyes and help you get out of your everyday to explore the world around you! I took a weekend trip to Middleburg V.A. recently and stayed at the Salamander Resort HERE it was only 1 night but it felt like a week vacation! I felt so recharged and ready to take on the week ahead. I read a book (don’t think I have done that since I was forced to in college to be honest). I also got to see some of the horses on the property, I was kicked by a horse when I was younger and so this was the trip I was going to over come this fear. Not going to hop back on quite yet but I did pet them. They had a miniature horse too named Cupcake, she was a doll, so so sweet and would come in the living room at cocktail hour for the kids to pet. Just this simple one night trip, I fell in love with reading again and concurred my fear of horses. Tell me all about your trips and adventures!



See you lovelies over on my instagram @the_classy_ boss or email at

Dating the District | Ghosted.

This past year I have been ghosting this blog. Kinda ironic because I am the anti-ghost if you will. I met a boy. We fell hard and fast, and we crashed at the same speed we started. If I didn’t believe in love before, I sure do now, and that makes this even more painful.

When you look into someones eyes for months and you feel a level of respect, kindness, romanticism, attraction, love that you have never dreamt possible and they decide to dissolve into thin air, it is unexplainable the amount confusion that is left behind. I am in a place in my life where I do not feel empty or lost without someone else anymore. Just simply disappointed. I have built a life worth living and no one can take away the the love I share with my family and friends.

The people who ghost are solely focused on avoiding their own emotional discomfort and thinking little (if not at all) about how this effects the other person. Either way you cut it, it’s a selfish act and why would we want to be with someone that would ever execute on that emotional cruelty.

I felt wonderful when I was with him which was an entire new experience. He made reservations. He ordered Uber blacks. He was kind to his mom. We shared the same places in our childhood memories. We share friends. He had goals, aspirations, and was taking steps to achieve them (ground breaking, I know).

SO! How do you move on? Buy yourself a purse you have been dreaming of, drink every last drop of his whiskey he left at your place with your girls, and listen to a hell of a lot of Frank Sinatra. What is meant for you in this life will be yours. Never doubt or blame yourself for someone else’s casualty.






How To Know If You have Outgrown A Friendship

Friendship: one of the most precious gifts life can gives us. Having a counterpart that serves as your human diary, your partner in crime, your sister that you never had * sigh * pretty damn special, right?

There are countless irreplaceable qualities about being a part of a certain friendship which can make it excruciating if the relationship takes an unexpected u-turn. The truth is, not all wonderful things are meant to last forever. The friend that was attached to your hip in 8th grade may now be a distance memory. The friend that you swore you couldn’t navigate life without is no longer present in your life. The friend that you never thought would make you cry disappointed you in more ways than one.

Stuff happens.
Things change.
You change.
They change.
You grow one way.
They grow another.

And so is life. But, how do you know if you’ve out grown a friendship? If a friendship is toxic, will your eyes be open enough to see it? Are there ways to deal with the grief of losing a friend?

Before your head spins off your shoulders know that there are “answers” to these question. Also know that I hold no degree in human relationships however I’ve experienced a thing or two in my rip 23 years of being on this planet so, as always, that is what my written words are based off of…. experience.

5 Signs You’ve Outgrown A Friendship And How To Deal:

you don’t feel supported

The foundation of being a friend is to support each other, through thick and thin. A truefriend should be standing by your side as champagne is popped to celebrate but should alsobe there when you need a shoulder to cry on. If you recognize that a friend is only there when things are full of sunshine and rainbows and goes MIA during the hardships, I would advise to separate yourself from that relationship since you deserve a friend who will stand by you no matter the circumstance.

linked by the past

If the only common ground, you have within a friendship is the past it’s time to tie a pretty bow on that chapter of your life and move forward. This may come as a shock to some but friendships should be full of new experiences and not handcuff you to another point in time. Take this kind of friendship for what it’s worth and know that if you need an LOL moment about that time in college that you well, let’s not go there, then you have someone to call! Beyond that, accept that this is not the type of friendship that will bring fruitful current events to your life.

the comparison game

A friendship is meant to be played on even ground and should not be full of the “one upping game.” A friendship is supposed to be a safe place and not of judgements and criticism. The really cool thing about friendships is that you don’t have to be in one if you don’t want to be. Simple as that. If there is no sign of mutual respect within a friendship let alone any relationship for that matter, excuse yourself from the narrative.

different stages of life

Life is wild because none of us really know what will happen or where we will end up. You may be stubbing through the dating scene by swiping through dating apps while your friend is celebrating their second wedding anniversary and have a bun in the oven . You could be suffocating in an office cubicle while your friend is out traveling the world.

a slow death

And then there are the friendships that slowly fade into the distance without a reason, without a fight, without a hardship, without a breakup, without …. anything. You feel nothing but the utmost love for this individual but the effort, from both ends, to keep the relationship afloat vanished and THAT IS OK. There is no need to feel ashamed for growing out of a friendship. Take those memories, tuck them away for a rainy day and know that she is only a phone call away.


Instagram: @the_classy_boss

Dating the District | Too Much Passion?

Is there such thing as too much passion? That is the fear, that when someone asks you- “What are you passionate about?”- on a date, at a party, at a job interview- You aren’t going to have an extravagant/mind blowing answer. That’s the mind set of people in the District- they are only interested in finding out what do you do, what can you do for them, and how will you make them look. It is a very selfish. Passion is an attractive quality don’t get me wrong…done correctly… weather it is to see passion in someones eyes for their family, their career, or you.- but is it just all just too much?

If you don’t have a compelling answer to that donting question. That means someone is assuming you aren’t interesting or ambitious or that your life is not worth living. (NONE of that is true.)

Passion is not a sport or a hobby- it is the full force of you attention/ energy to whatever is right in front of you. And if you are so busy looking for this passion, you could miss opportunities that could change your life. You could also miss out on great love. Because, that is what happens when you have tunnel vision trying to find “the one”- we all think we know the kind of person we want and the kind of person we could love. But sometimes we are wrong- blissfully wrong. And sometimes you don’t know what you are going to do next and that’s OKAY. It is okay not to know what your life is going to look like in 5 years/ 5 months/ or even 5 days from now. You know why that’s okay?? It is because the most fulfilling relationships/ careers are those that still have the power to surprise you.

And as for the things you know you want to do- you want to write a book, you want to change careers, you want to go back to school, you want to quite school- GREAT! But if you are waiting for the passion to kick in and take you there, you are going to be waiting a long time. Spend you time solving your favorite problems, be useful, generous. And that is where passion shows up- where your energy and effort meets someone else need. That’s when you realize passion lives in realizing what you have to contribute and then acting on it. So go out and DO!

To live a life full of purpose and value; you don’t follow your passion- your passion follows you.



Instagram: @the_classy_boss

Things to do in Washington D.C | Best Rooftop Bars

Summer is sadly coming to an end this week so I wanted to do a round up of my top 10 favorite rooftop bars in D.C.! Because, let’s be real- it’s NOT summer without a view and a cocktail. Cheers to a great summer and busting out your cozy sweaters these next couple weeks. Enjoy!

POV Rooftop Lounge and Bar at The W Hotel

My Dad introduced me to this place years ago which I feel like it was such a hidden gem, but now the secret is out! The POV bar is always shoulder to shoulder packed, so I would suggest checking it out on a week day and avoid it on the weekends. Make sure you go around sunset for the best summer hue pics! For sure one of the THE best, if not THE best view of DC. You can see the Washington monument, the White House, Lincoln, and Arlington Cemetery. Can’t go wrong here!

Top of the Gate at The Watergate Hotel

A special person showed me this amazing spot. It has a beautiful view over looking Georgetown and the Potomac. It is a short walk from the Kennedy Center, so it would be the perfect spot to grab a glass of champagne before a show or a perfect ending to a date!

801 Restaurant & Bar

The athsetic here is screaming Instagram material with their famous neon “good vibes only” sign and their fresh greenery! Y’all, they have the best steak fries ever and are known for their Moscow Mules!

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The Rosewood Hotel

Located in the heart of Georgetown, this little spot is so handsome behind it’s red brick vibes and charming atmosphere. This would be a great shopping break spot with your girls OR even an amazing summer night date, followed by a walk near the water front. Great views of Georgetown’s canal (the canal is looking a little rough this summer but they are restoring it so it should be looking fab by next summer).

DNV Rooftop Lounge

Chic rooftop lounge with city views, cabanas & poolside setting! They have some great live bands play some night so make sure you look out on their website to catch an upcoming gig! They also are known for their Japanese street food and craft cocktails so make sure you bring all your friends from out of town here, it’s a great spot to show off your city.

Roofers Union

This place has a classic American flare, if you like draft beers and craft cocktails this is the spot for you! Located in admo (aka fro non-locals… Adam’s Morgan = admo), the glass-enclosed space is an ideal spot for sipping beers, drinking punch, and munching on bar snacks while peering out over Adams Morgan. Pro tip- order the donut holes. You’re welcome.


The Observatory at the Graham Hotel

The views are beyond fabulous at The Observatory.  They aren’t as monument specific as the terrace at the W, but the view of Georgetown and Virginia are unmatched by anything similar.  At sunset this is the best place to be in the city to see the lights and look upon M Street.


Rose’s Luxury

If you are feeling fancy and want to get a group together for a spurge this is the place! Groups can reserve dinner (the exclusive tasting menu is $135 per person) in the flower-filled rooftop garden. It is the most whimsical and special rooftop in all of DC!



Summers in DC can be a hit or miss with the rain situation so Takoda is perfect for those untrusting nights, it has a cover on the rooftop but that still doesn’t take away from their amazing cocktails and Anthropologie vibes.

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Columbia Room

Last but not least, the Columbia Room located in Shaw is a favorite for many reasons. Shaded by a canopy, surrounded by planters filled with herbs that are used as cocktail ingredients…. just perfection.



Let me know your favorite rooftop bars in your city! I’ll be back in NYC soon and I need some new go-to spots!


Instagram: @the_classy_boss

Dating The District | Justice 

Hey my Classy Bosses!! Hope everyone enjoyed their not long enough- long weekend.  I’m sitting at the airport about to fly to back to DC. I spent some much needed R & R with  my family (AKA my dog).

This past week has been crazy but I was thinking a lot about how we find justice and revenge through relationships. Witnessing your friends date is the best way to learn. Everyone has their MO- some with ethic with and some without. It’s hard to be a supportive friend and have sympathy when you don’t see the situation the same way.

Like in any relationship- boyfriend/girlfriend, parent/child, friendships- it is difficult to be supportive when you love that person and they are choosing something that you don’t agree with.

I know it is not taboo to be “dating” more then one person at a time. It’s unfortunately the “casual” culture that has saturated the market of all millennials. But when a guy cheats on you you have two choices. You can stay or leave. You can not choose both.

I learned something this week. I learned that (one of) the reason(s) that men think of women in such a disposable way is because of us. Women. Women finding justice after he cheats on you by going out with your girls and hooking up with other guys while you chose to stay is putting us on that level of unworthiness. Right then and there is when your worth goes out the window. Because you did exactly what he did to you. You do not have the justification or the “get out of jail free card” to hurt him, like he hurt you for the rest of your life.

The guy you are flirting with at the bar has no idea what game he stepped into. He may never know. But if you don’t have strength to walk away for yourself, find the strength to walk away for fellow women seeking real, genuine, passionate love. Because YOU are the reason we are disposable.

End rant.



Instagram: @the_classy_boss

Peace, Love, & Understanding.

I am hesitant to write this, but I also feel like I have no choice but to speak out on this. I am always the person to unfollow people on Facebook for speaking about their opinions on legislative issues, so believe me when I say, this is not that. End preface.

We all know the political atmosphere in the United States has not been healthy over the past decade. It feels anything but united. People feel hurt, confusion, and anger from all sides and I think the common thread is misunderstanding. No one wants to take the time to try to understand other views other then their own, and learn the hard facts from resources other then BuzzFeed, professors, MSNBC, FOX, The Huffington Post, NPR, The Washington Post, The Daily Show, etc. Life is busy and people don’t have the desire to dig deep for the truth, take a step back, and try to gather a clear understanding of what is actually going on. It’s almost easier in a lazy sense to just go along with what you are hearing and use those “facts” as a crutch because they automatically support your ideologies. Just a thought. Challenge yourself. Test your beliefs, you might just be surprised.

Let’s get one thing clear. I am not defending any politician or party. I am just speaking on the behalf of myself and what I have experienced. 

This past weekend, my dad was in town. He has never been to The Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C. so it was top on my list to take him there. It is such a well done memorial to honor and pay respect to the men, women, and children that suffered through that horrific time.

We finished walking through the museum and were sitting on a bench planning the rest of our day when a couple my age (early 20s) came up to my dad and started screaming at him. It all happened so quickly, but I remember two lines distinctly. “Ready dude!? You are so disrespectful, how dare you wear that at a Holocaust memorial!”- “You are a Nazi sympathizer!” -The guy kept screaming “This man is a Nazi sympathizer!” Over and over and over. My dad was wearing a Trump hat. That he placed back on his head, after we went through the memorial.

One: Trump’s Senior Advisor and son-in-law, Jared Kushner; Daughter, Ivanka Trump; and three grandchildren are Jewish.

Two: You don’t see our current President inviting hateful supremacist groups into the White House for tea and cookies, like our 44th President did.

I was flustered but not surprise. Those two people felt the need to be bullies, make a scene, and scream at a 57 year old man- in such a location as that museum. We did not engage in their anger or hate. At the point they were at in their minds, saying anything would have elevated the situation. It is sad. Sad that so many people are that angry but also not aware of what our president stands for and what WE as a nation stand for. It is all comes down to a misunderstanding of one another. Individuals on BOTH sides are demanding peace, love, and understanding but they are acting in ways that make this impossible. Those individuals are the ones that are ruining the reputation and the narrative of their own parties.

I hope the narrative shifts in the United States and we can all find find peace, love, and understanding in one another. We don’t have to agree with one another but we MUST respect one another. Using lies, anger, and violence to get your voice heard is NOT the answer. We must use our First Amendment more wisely so it makes a positive impact, rather then creating more negativity. We have enough of that in this world.

Be kind to one another.



Instagram: @the_classy_boss | Email Me:

Dating The District |Where does the love go?

When you are in a relationship (causal or not) and you stop seeing one another, where do all those feelings of love/lust go? Do they just evaporate in thin air or do they come out in an angry goodbye text? Maybe both.


If he played all the games with your heart, and you had to be the one to end things for your own sanity, is it worthy of lashing out and explaining what he did wrong? He might not have treated you the way you deserved, but yelling will not make things better. Hell, it probably won’t even make things better for the next girl- because people have to decided what is best for them- what’s worth the effort – and he’ll get there when he finds the right girl- you just weren’t the one, and that’s okay!


What’s not okay is to use a relationship where things didn’t work out to justify falling back into the arms of another bad guy from the past. Pick your fights and know your worth. That love should go back to yourself, not to man that doesn’t deserve it.

Eventually, all the pieces will fall into place…until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason.




Philip Carter Winery of Virginia

img_0770Outfit: Dress HERE, Shoes HERE, Sunglasses HERE

I went to my very first winery over the weekend and I had to share my experience of this charming place in Hume, Virginia! I went with my best friend and we decided to go after we hiked a 9+ mile hike… that’s right. Drove 2 hours outside of DC, hiked for 6 hours, changed in the car, put some makeup on our faces, and headed straight to Philip Carter for sunset. We definitely made the most out of our day, to say the least! We decided to do a full flight tasting (pricing below) of eight of their top wines (listed below). It was such a fun time, the guide walked us through the history and the notes; it was a great lesson for someone with limited wine knowledge. I usually am not a Chardonnay fan BUT GUYS, their Shirley Chardonnay was my absolute favorite! To end the tasting they had us try their wine club exclusive that is aged in bourbon barrels, it was amazing very bold and deep… their professional description is below.

After the tasting, we went outside and enjoyed some smokey cheese, crackers, and a fresh peach sangria-one of their specialties. To get the most out of your dollar, I would recommend you bring your own picnic (cheese, baguette, fruit, etc.) and enjoy their wine by the bottle.

Overall, I highly recommend you explore Philip Carter Winery and enjoy the breathtaking beauty of Fauquier County. Check out their website HERE and order that Chardonnay- you won’t regret it!

| Pricing |

Full Flight Tasting: $8.00 a person

Groups of 8 or more: $12.50 a person & keep your glasses

| Full Flight Tasting Wine Selection |

2014 Shirley Chardonnay |
Shirley is made with 100% Chardonnay grape and aged entirely in stainless steel, allowing for the natural fruit flavors of the wine to shine through – particularly apple and pear.

2016 Sabine Hall Viognier |
Sabine Hall Viognier was made 65% in stainless steel and 35% in neutral French barrels in which it rested for 8 months. This Viognier has a nice floral nose reminiscent of honeysuckle, followed by soft stone fruits on the palate.

2014 Governor Fauquier |
The Governor Fauquier is an off-dry wine made from 100% Vidal Blanc. The nose consists of pineapple, pear, peach, mango, and honey. Citrus, melon and apple refresh the palate.

2016 Rosewell |
This perfect summer Rosé is a blend of 70% Merlot, 20% Vidal Blanc, and 10% bleedings from various red grapes. This rosé is the perfect sipping wine with floral notes of rose and fruit notes of rip strawberry with a crisp finish.

2015 Nomini Hall Cabernet Franc |
The Nomini Hall Cabernet Franc bolstered by Petit Verdot and Merlot. Bright cherry, blackberry, and raspberry aromas are backed by vanilla, mocha, and anise flavors.

2015 Oatlands Norton |
Oatlands presents the dark color characteristic of the Norton, but is very soft and delicate on the nose. It keeps its promises on the palate where ripe red fruits (blackberry and strawberry) meet delicate oak flavors.

2014 Falconwood Red |
Falconwood Red smells of blackberries, sweet cherry, rich tobacco, and leather. The wine is very balanced with a medium mid palate and a very smooth finish.

2014 Corotoman |
Philip Carter Winery’s Corotoman is a blend of Petit Verdot, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, and Cabernet Sauvignon. The medium acidity and low alcohol balance well the soft structure of the tannins.

2014 Sweet Danielle |
Sweet Danielle smells of fresh pineapple, pear and banana. It is a perfect wine to enjoy on a hot spring or summer day. Sweet Danielle is a very balanced wine that has some sweetness up front with a clean, crisp finish.

2013 1762 (Wine Club Exclusive) |
1762 is an homage to Porto with a Virginian touch. Aged 18 months in Bourbon barrels from A. Smith Bowman distilleries in Fredericksburg. The wine has very dark, rich color and is full bodied. 1762 smells of ripe red berries and dark chocolate with a hint of bourbon.
1762 is an exclusive for their VIP Wine Club.



Catch me on my Instagram @the_classy_boss HERE